1. Wang Yichuan, Wang Bochu, Gilroy Simon, Chehab E Wassim, Braam Janet. CML24 is involved in root mechanoresponses and cortical microtubule orientation in Arabidopsis. Journal Of Plant Growth Regulation. 2011;30(4):467-79.
2. Wang Bochu, Deng Jia, Gao Yimeng, Zhu Liancan, He Rui, Xu Yingqian. The screening toolbox of bioactive substances from natural products: A review. Fitoterapia. 2011;82(8):1141-51.
3. Wang Bochu, Sui Jing, Yu Zhengwen, Zhu Liancai. Screening the Hemostatic Active Fraction of Artemisia annua L. In-vitro. Iranian journal of pharmaceutical research: IJPR. 2011;10(1):57.
4. Cao Yang, Wang Bochu, Lou Deshuai, Wang Yazhou, Hao Shilei, Zhang Lin. Nanoscale delivery systems for multiple drug combinations in cancer. Future Oncology. 2011;7(11):1347-57.
5. Yang Xian, Wang Bo-Chu, Zhang Xue, Liu Wei-Qi, Qian Jun-Zhen, Li Wei, Deng Jia, Singh Gurinder K, Su Hui. Evaluation of< i> Lysimachia christinae Hance extracts as anticholecystitis and cholagogic agents in animals. Journal Of Ethnopharmacology. 2011;137(1):57-63.
6. Zheng Chao, Wang BoChu, Wang MingJuan, Hoogmartens Jos, Van Schepdael Ann, Adams Erwin. Impurity analysis of gentamicin bulk samples by improved liquid chromatography-ion trap mass spectrometry. Science China Chemistry. 2011;54(9):1518-28.
7. Tan Jun, Zhu Liancai, Wang Bochu. GC (Guanine‐Cytosine)‐Selective DNA‐Binding and Antitumor Activity of a Quercetin Manganese (II) Complex. Chemistry & Biodiversity. 2011;8(8):1550-9.
8. ZHENG Chao, WANG Bo-Chu, ZHU Lian-Cai. Determination of Dimethylsulphoxide as Residual Solvent by Static Headspace Gas Chromatography [J]. Chinese Journal Of Analytical Chemistry. 2011;7:039.
9. Chen Shuang-Kou, Wang Bo-Chu, Zhou Tai-Gang, Huang Wen-Zhang. Theoretical study of the adsorption of DOPA-quinone and DOPA-quinone chlorides on Cu (100) surface. Applied Surface Science. 2011;257(18):7938-43.
10. Yu Zhengwen, Wang Bochu, Yang Fumei, Sun Qianyun, Yang Zhannan, Zhu Liancai. Chemical Compositionand Anti-acetyl cholinesterase Activity of Flower Essential Oils of Artemisiaannuaat Different Flowering Stage. Iranian journal of pharmaceutical research: IJPR. 2011;10(2):265.
11. Zhu Liancai, Tan Jun, Wang Bochu, Guan Luhan, Liu Yuping, Zheng Chao. In-vitro Antitumor Activity and Antifungal Activity of Pennogenin Steroidal Saponins from paris Polyphylla var. yunnanensis. Iranian journal of pharmaceutical research: IJPR. 2011;10(2):279.
12. Wang Yazhou, Qiao Weili, Wang Bochu, Zhang Yiqiong, Shao Pengyu, Yin Tieying. Electrospun composite nanofibers containing nanoparticles for the programmable release of dual drugs. Polymer Journal. 2011;43(5):478-83.
13. Shi Lanchun, Wang Bochu, Gong Wei, Zhang Yungang, Zhu Liqing, Yang Xingyan. Actin filaments and microtubules of< i> Arabidopsis suspension cells show different responses to changing turgor pressure. Biochemical And Biophysical Research Communications. 2011;405(4):632-7.
14. Wang Bochu, Cao Yang. Purified silk fibroin‐L‐asparaginase bioconjugates show increased thermostability and resistance to trypsin digestion. Engineering in Life Sciences. 2011;11(1):44-51.
15. Zhang Yiqiong, Wang Bochu, Wang Yazhou, Qiao Weili, Shao Pengyu. A novel hypurgia for cancer chemotherapy: Programmable release of antineoplastics and cytothesis agents from core–shell micro-/nano-particles. Medical Hypotheses. 2011;76(2):201-3.
16. Deng Jia, Wang Bochu, Cao Yang, Zhu Liancai. A novel treatment strategy for type 2 diabetes: Targeting glucose variability and β-cell failure. Medical Hypotheses. 2011;76(2):234-6.
17. Yang Xian, Wang Bo-Chu, Zhang Xue, Yang Shui-Ping, Li Wei, Tang Qian, Singh Gurinder K. Simultaneous determination of nine flavonoids in< i> Polygonum hydropiper L. samples using nanomagnetic powder three-phase hollow fibre-based liquid-phase microextraction combined with ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry. Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Biomedical Analysis. 2011;54(2):311-6.
18. Shao Pengyu, Wang Bochu, Wang Yazhou, Li Jun, Zhang Yiqiong. The application of thermosensitive nanocarriers in controlled drug delivery. Journal of Nanomaterials. 2011;2011:17.
19. 周雪梅,王伯初,祝连彩,杨宪.渐进性糖化终产物与糖尿病肾病.生命的化学. 2011 (03):352-8.
20. 周琳,王伯初.克霉唑栓含量和有关物质的测定.中国药业. 2011 (05):22-4.
21. 郑超,王伯初,祝连彩.静态顶空气相色谱法测定有机残留溶剂二甲基亚砜.分析化学. 2011 (07):1117-20.
22. 郑超,王伯初,祝连彩.中国生物技术产业化发展的现状及对策分析.重庆大学学报(社会科学版). 2011 (02):46-50.
23. 张娅,丁元,王远强,王伯初.多肽定量构效关系建模方法.重庆理工大学学报(自然科学). 2011 (05):35-41.
24. 余正文,王伯初,杨占南,祝连彩,乙引.高效液相色谱法同时测定青蒿中东莨菪内酯、猫眼草酚及猫眼草黄素.中国酿造. 2011 (09):175-8.
25. 余正文,王伯初,杨占南,祝连彩.青蒿素及其类似物提取及分析方法研究进展.中国实验方剂学杂志. 2011 (17):294-7.
26. 余正文,王伯初,杨占南,祝连彩.青蒿中青蒿酸、青蒿素及去氧青蒿素同时提取及检测.药物分析杂志. 2011 (06):1020-3.
27. 余正文,王伯初,杨占南,祝连彩.水蒸汽蒸馏法及顶空-固相微萃取法提取青蒿花挥发性成分比较分析.光谱实验室. 2011 (03):1276-9.
28. 余正文,王伯初,杨占南,隋婧,祝连彩.青蒿精油化学组成及其生态类型相关性研究.药物分析杂志. 2011 (05):954-8.
29. 杨宪,王伯初,刘玮琦,李伟,钱俊臻,苏辉.枫蓼肠胃康口服液HPLC指纹图谱研究.天然产物研究与开发. 2011 (06):1167-71.
30. 王益川,王伯初,时兰春,孔静.植物机械响应中的钙通信.生物物理学报. 2011 (11):921-30.
31. 田继权,王伯初,陈双扣,杨丽君. HClO对TYR氧化的理论研究.计算机与应用化学. 2011 (02):217-21.
32. 苏辉,王伯初,刘玮琦,钱俊臻,杨宪,李伟.天然药物提取过程的动力学数学模型.中草药. 2011 (02):384-91.
33. 刘筱琴,邵鉴魁,王伯初,唐倩,杨宪.响铃草药材质量控制研究.西南师范大学学报(自然科学版). 2011 (04):159-63.
34. 李江海,王伯初,王建,刘绍勇,薛东升.山羊角提取物中焦谷氨酸含量测定研究.药物分析杂志. 2011 (08):1567-70.
35. 龚伟,王伯初.钙离子在植物抵抗非生物胁迫中的作用.生命的化学. 2011 (01):107-11.